RAma chandrAya janaka rAja jA manOharAya mAmakA bheeshTa dAya mahita mangaLam || Mangalam (wishing prosperity and happiness) to Ramachandra who won the heart of Janaka’s daughter Sita and who fulfills all our wishes.ġ.kOsalEndrAya manda hAsa dAsa pOsha Naya vAsavAdi vinuta sad varada mangaLam || Mangalam to the son of Kousalya who has a gentle smile on his face, who protects his devotees and who is worshipped by Devendra.Ģ.chAru kumkumO pEta chandanAdi charchitAya hAraka SObhitAya bhoori mangaLam || He is beautiful with Kum Kuma (vermillion) on his forehead.